Seamingly Kate

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FQ Scrap Stash Builder

I know this may sound crazy but there have been times when I’m making a scrap quilt, in a narrow color palette, there just isn’t enough different fabrics to give me the variety I’m looking for. Like these scraps blocks in a blue and low volume. So to fix the problem, I decided I was going to use some of my favorite random FQs and cut them up into my precut scrap sizes.

Naturally, I wanted to share this with all of you! So, I made a little cheat sheet that shows you how to cut a FQ to get the most precut scraps out of it. I sure do love getting the most out of things. Don’t you?

And if you really love working with or making scrappy quilts, why not cut up your favorite FQs! Then you’ll always want to be working with your scraps and you’ll be sure to love your next scrappy creation!